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We will use the MongoDB Operator to manage our MongoDB instances.
The MongoDB Operator is a Kubernetes Operator that manages the MongoDB instances.

In this example we will create a MongoDB Replica Set. We will use it for our ShareLaTeX instance.


helm repo add mongodb-helm-charts
# Install the MongoDB Operator
helm install my-community-operator mongodb-helm-charts/community-operator --namespace mongodb --create-namespace --set operator.watchNamespace="*"
# Deploy a MongoDB Replica Set
kubectl apply -f replicaset.yaml -n mongodb
# Check
kubectl get mdbc -n mongodb

Connection String

Now you can get the connection string from the secret in the namespace mongodb with the pattern <mongodb-resource-name>-<database>-<username>. In our case it is example-mongodb-admin-my-user.

kubectl get secret example-mongodb-admin-my-user -n mongodb -o json | jq -r '.data | with_entries(.value |= @base64d)'

You can now use the standardSrv connection string to connect to the MongoDB Replica Set. We will use it in our ShareLaTeX instance.


Connect with the standardSrv connection string to the MongoDB Replica Set.

kubectl run mongopod -i -t --image=rtsp/mongosh -- bash
> mongosh "<connection-string>"

Last update: 2023-09-27