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Traefik - TLS

We will configure Traefik to use Letsencrypt DNS Challenges to automatically generate TLS certificates for our services.


We need an account with a DNS provider that supports the ACME DNS Challenge and a domain name.

We will use Cloudflare as our DNS provider.


Get the Global API Key from your Cloudflare account. Get your "Global API Key"


Now we need to configure Traefik to use the Cloudflare DNS Challenge. Refer to the traefik/traefik-config.yml file.

Uncomment the additionalArguments for the resolver and replace the <email> with your email address.

- '--certificatesresolvers.myresolver.acme.dnschallenge=true'
- '--certificatesresolvers.myresolver.acme.dnschallenge.provider=cloudflare'
- '<email>'
- ''

Then uncomment the env for the Cloudflare API Key and replace the <email> and <key> with your Email and Global API Key.

  - name: CF_API_EMAIL
    value: '<email>'
  - name: CF_API_KEY
    value: '<api_key>' #<== Unter "Global API Key"

Deploy Traefik

Deploy Traefik with the new configuration.

kubectl apply -f traefik-config.yaml


Now we can use the myresolver in our Ingress definitions.

annotations: websecure 'true' myresolver

Please note that the host in the Ingress definition must match the domain name.

Trouble Shooting

Check the logs of the Traefik pod.

kubectl logs deploy/traefik -n kube-system

Pay attention to the name of the certresolver. The name in the traefik-config.yml must match the name in the Ingress definition.

Last update: 2023-09-27